
Nalezeno "social engineering": 7

Riot Games Sues Scammers Offering Folks Fake Jobs At The Studio

A nasty scam has become more popular over the last few months. People desperate for work at popular game studios like Riot and Rockstar Games get an email from a recruiter asking them to apply. They do and eventually get the job only to realize it’s all fake, usually after losing money to...

How Plague Inc Evolved Once A Real Global Pandemic Came Along

Somehow, horrifyingly, it has been nearly a full year since most of us went into lockdown to wait out covid-19. And while there is a light at the end of the tunnel in the form of a slowly, confusingly distributed vaccine, we’re still in the thick of it. On this week’s episode of the Splitscreen...

Don't Click On Those Resident Evil Village Early Access Emails

Lotta people want to play the game with the big lady! And scammers know this, so fake emails have been circulating inviting players to an early access beta which doesn’t actually exist. Enough emails that Capcom has sent out a warning email of its own.Read more

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